Buddha Is in the Sacred Mind Sanctuary

Amchi Thubtan Lekshe • Jan 09, 2024

Welcome to The Sacred Mind Sanctuary where wisdom insight and empowering physical, emotional and spiritual navigation skills are offered.

The Buddha has shared many profound teachings and jewel statements to ignite awareness and understanding like "You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger. We can see this is a position of skillful insight in understanding our actions, but how do we attain such an inner skillset and tranquility in the face of life's challenges?

The profound statement "You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger" encapsulates a timeless truth about the intricate dynamics of human emotions and their profound impact on one's well-being. At its core, this insight from Buddha written in the Dhammapada speaks to the deeper consequences of harboring and succumbing to the powerful force of anger. It is considered one of the three poisons causing all suffering.

The Three Poisons Causing All Suffering

The three poisons are:

1. Greed (Dod Chags): Also known as desire or attachment, greed involves an intense craving for sensory experiences, material possessions, or personal fulfillment. It is the insatiable desire for more, leading to clinging and dissatisfaction.

2. Hatred or Aversion (Zhe Dang): This poison encompasses various forms of negativity, including anger, hostility, aversion, and resentment. It arises from an unwillingness to accept and a rejection of what is, resulting in inner turmoil and conflict.

3. Ignorance (Ma Rigpa): Ignorance, in the Buddhist context, refers to a lack of understanding or awareness of the true nature of reality. It involves misconceptions about the impermanence of life, the nature of suffering, and the interdependence of all things. Overcoming ignorance is central to attaining enlightenment.

These three poisons are considered the root causes of suffering in Buddhist philosophy. The path to liberation involves recognizing, understanding, and ultimately overcoming these negative mental states through mindfulness, ethical conduct, and the development of wisdom. By addressing and uprooting these poisons, individuals can cultivate a mind free from attachment, aversion, and ignorance, leading to greater peace and enlightenment.

The True Consequences of Anger Are Internal

When Buddha imparts this wisdom, he is guiding us to recognize that the act of experiencing anger itself is not a punitive action from an external force. Instead, it is a reminder that the true consequences of anger are internal; they unfold within the individual who harbors this intense emotion. Anger, left unchecked, can morph into a self-inflicted form of suffering, a punishment that arises from within.

The notion that one will be "punished by your anger" underscores the self-destructive nature of this emotion. Anger, if allowed to fester and dominate one's emotional landscape, can lead to a cascade of negative effects on mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. The consequences may manifest as strained relationships, impaired decision-making, and a general erosion of one's inner peace and tranquility.

In essence, Buddha invites us to understand that anger, when unmanaged, becomes a formidable force that shapes our reality and influences the quality of our lives. It is a poignant call to self-awareness and self-discipline, urging us to take responsibility for our emotional states and cultivate the inner strength needed to transform anger into understanding and compassion.

By contemplating this teaching, individuals are encouraged to reflect on their responses to anger, recognizing it not as an external judgment but as a potent force that, if left unattended, has the potential to inflict profound consequences on their own journey toward inner peace and well-being. In this way, the wisdom encapsulated in this statement serves as a guidepost for cultivating emotional intelligence and fostering a harmonious inner landscape.

Join our Sacred Mind Sanctuary as we delve into the profound teachings of Buddhism and embark on a journey toward inner listening, insight, wisdom energy and serenity.

Awareness One: Listen Twice as Much as You Speak

Our first lesson delves deep into the transformative power of listening. This isn't just about hearing words but truly understanding the essence behind them. Buddha once beautifully articulated this concept, saying, "To understand everything is to forgive everything." This profound statement highlights the deep connection between understanding and compassion.

When we listen more and speak less, we embark on a journey of greater empathy and comprehension. It's about actively engaging with the world around us, not just passively hearing it. By doing so, we allow ourselves to truly connect with the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of others. This practice opens our hearts to the intricate tapestries of human experience, weaving a bond of understanding that transcends mere words. Moreover, listening more than we speak doesn't diminish our voice; instead, it enhances the quality of our interactions. When we do speak, our words are more thoughtful, informed, and resonant. They come from a place of deep understanding, not just superficial acquaintance with the subject.

This art of listening extends beyond personal conversations; it involves listening to the world around us, to nature, to silence, to the unspoken words of those who may not have a voice. In doing so, we develop a broader perspective of the world, a panorama of diverse viewpoints and experiences. This not only enriches our understanding but also fosters a sense of inner peace and wisdom. By listening twice as much as we speak, we unlock a universe of understanding. We learn to perceive the unspoken, to empathize with the unheard, and to connect with the unseen. This opens doors to deeper connections, not just with others but also with ourselves. It is through this profound listening that we begin to understand the intricacies of life, the subtleties of human emotion, and the profound truths that govern our existence. As we listen, we grow in understanding, in compassion, and in wisdom.

Awareness Two: Awareness of Who Is in Control of Your Life

Imagine your life as a unique journey, like an adventurous hike through a beautiful forest. Along this path, you come across people who have their own opinions and attitudes, much like different signposts or directions in that forest. Buddha, who was known for his profound wisdom, once shared this guidance: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." What does this mean? It means that your focus should be on the now, just like when you're hiking, you pay attention to the trail you're on.

The lesson here is about finding your own way on your life's path without getting lost in the thoughts and judgments of others. Sometimes, people may have their own ideas about what you should do, or they might have comments about your choices. While it's natural to consider advice, it's equally important to remember that your journey is yours to navigate and you will find your most truthful answers within your hearts intelligence. To awaken from ignorance you can use the quotes of the Buddha and to find experiened teachers to offer assistance in perception. This lesson encourages you to follow your own heart and values, to stay true to who you are, and to make choices that resonate with your inner wisdom. By doing so, you remain the captain of your own life, charting a course that feels right to you, regardless of what others might say or think. It's about finding your own unique path and walking it with confidence and authenticity.

Awareness Three: Life Is Energy in Motion

Life is like a winding river, sometimes calm and other times turbulent. The Buddha, with his profound wisdom, once shared a powerful insight: "Pain is certain, suffering is optional." What does this mean? It means that while we can't escape life's challenges and difficulties, we have the power to choose how we respond to them. Imagine life as a series of waves, each one representing a different situation or problem. Some waves are small, like minor inconveniences, while others can be towering giants, like significant setbacks or losses. Now, here's the key: Accepting the worst doesn't mean expecting the worst all the time or living in constant fear. It means being prepared for those challenging moments that inevitably come our way. Think of it as having a life jacket on a boat. We hope we won't need it, but it's there just in case. When we are mentally prepared to accept the worst, we become like that life jacket for our minds. We don't let

fear of the unknown or the fear of failure control us and we recognize that is an unproductive energy pattern we are discarding anytime it arises.

Open free awareness and non resistant acceptance is like a shield that protects us from the sharp arrows of suffering when life challenges appear before us, as it often does. How we view phenomena and how we allow our mind to interpret what we appear to be viewing using open unlabeling awareness acceptance acts as a buffer. We may feel pain, but we don't add unnecessary suffering by resisting what's happening or dwelling on what went wrong.

Acceptance or rather non resistance to what is appearing for view is not a surrender to defeat; it's a recognition of what is appearing as a reality, when it may be a fabrication appearing as a reality. By embracing this truth, and mind awareness practice we find inner peace even in the face of what is appearing as adversity. So, in practical terms, cultivating resilience and inner strength and showing up and being present with equanimity, knowing that you have the power to navigate the waters, no matter how rough they may appear to become. By being ready to accept what flows as merely energy and information, we not only find peace in what appears as adversity but also discover our own inner strength and capacity for flow and growth.

Awareness Four: Don't Be Afraid of Failing Because It Is the Only Way to Progress

Buddha, the great spiritual teacher, once shared profound wisdom: "Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." These words remind us that each day is a fresh start, a chance to grow and learn. The lesson here is about embracing failure not as something to fear but as a valuable stepping stone on our journey of self-discovery and self improvement.

Every seemingly mistake we make is like a teacher showing us what we need to see more clearly for deeper understanding. Practicing inner listening to inner wisdom and strengthening resilience. Just as a sculptor shapes a beautiful creation from a block of stone by chiseling away the unnecessary parts, our failures and mistakes help shape us into wiser, more capable individuals. So, don’t be afraid to take risks, try new things, and accept that failure is a natural part of growth and have fun with failing when it happens. Embrace your mistakes with enthusiasm, for they hold the keys to your progress. Remember, it's not about how many times you fall; it's about how many times you rise, each time stronger and wiser than before, its an empowering and fruitful journey to enjoy being present with, in every breath you take. This is the path to personal growth and self-discovery, and it all starts with the approach you choose either from a fear baes or the enthusiastic joyful courage you can generate with each failure and success head-on. It all becomes a joyful experience of discovery rather than one laden with expectations.

Awareness Five: Simplicity Is a Great City to Reside :)

Finding clarity and peace in simplicity, we discover a profound truth that clarity and peace are often found in the simplest aspects of life. Buddha, the great teacher, once imparted his wisdom, saying, "The way is not in the sky; the way is in the heart." This lesson encourages us to embrace a life focused on what truly matters, stripping away unnecessary complexities and distractions that can float through the minds ’sky’. Simplicity in this context means keeping it simple, tending to the inspired thoughts teachings lifestyle and friends that truly nourish your soul and letting go of the ones that do not. It's like cleaning a cluttered room. When you remove the excess, you create space for the essential things to shine. In the same way, simplifying your life allows you to prioritize your values, relationships, and inner well-being.

Living simply doesn't mean a lack of ambition or settling for less; instead, it's about discerning what truly aligns with your inner journey, heart's desires and aspirations. It's about letting go of the constant need for more and instead finding contentment in the present moment. Consider the serene beauty of a clear starry night. The vastness of the sky may seem complex, but the beauty lies in its simplicity. Each star shines with clarity, and the quietude of the night brings peace.

Similarly, when we declutter our lives and focus on what truly matters, we experience a similar sense of clarity and peace within our hearts. So, as you navigate life's journey, remember the wisdom of simplicity. Embrace what brings you joy and peace, and let go of the unnecessary burdens, old resonance patterns, thoughts etc) that cloud your path. In simplicity, you'll more easily discover the true essence of a meaningful and harmonious life.

Awareness Six: The Quality of Humility in Your Life

Buddha once shared profound wisdom, saying, "Do not be like a rainstorm that pours down on others and leaves them with nothing, but be like a dewdrop—silent, gentle, and refreshing." This lesson teaches us the value of humility, which is the quality of being modest and unassuming despite possessing wisdom or accomplishments.

The analogy of the rainstorm and the dewdrop serves as a metaphor for how we interact with others. The rainstorm, forceful and overwhelming, symbolizes a lack of humility—where one's actions may drown others in the intensity of their presence. On the contrary, the dewdrop, gentle and unassuming, represents humility in action. It recognizes the quiet yet profound impact one can have without overshadowing or imposing upon others.

When we practice humility inspired by this saying, we become like the dewdrop—approaching others with a gentle presence, fostering genuine connections, and leaving a positive, refreshing influence. Humility, in this context, is not about diminishing one's knowledge or achievements but acknowledging the interconnectedness of all beings and recognizing the beauty in contributing to the well-being of others in a humble and considerate manner.

In practicing humility, you not only gain wisdom but also become a source of inspiration and guidance for those around you. Let us remember that wisdom is not measured by the volume of our words but by the depth of our humility. For it is through humility that we truly understand the world and share compassion with all living beings.

Awareness Seven: Be Aware of the Dangers of Material Fortune

As Buddha wisely shared, "Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship." These words guide us to seek fulfillment that goes beyond the accumulation of material possessions. In our pursuit of success and fortune, it is essential to be mindful of the potential dangers associated with the relentless pursuit of wealth.

In the journey towards how we do business and seek prosperity, it is crucial to remember that the means employed to amass fortune carry significant moral weight. Coveting or manipulating others' wealth or talents is considered a predatory act of greed, generating substantial negative karma. Buddha's teachings remind us that the consequences of such actions extend beyond the material realm, influencing the ethical fabric of our lives.

Buddha suggests that wealth lies not only in material abundance but in cultivating gratitude and contentment with what we have.Constantly seeking more or coveting and manipulating of others possessions, talents or wealth leads to a distorted perception of prosperity, where the acquisition of wealth becomes disconnected from ethical considerations and causing life trajectories into darkness. In that unethical pursuit, the well-being and happiness of others will be compromised, creating disharmony and imbalance. These are the acts of basically ignorant individuals who have not taken advantage of more mindful approaches to their life and hurt others because of their ignorance and because of that become enslaved into their own ignorance, and then their are the capriciously evil beings aggressively creating chaos, harming others, and who seem to be in many leadership roles across many nations and their leading corporations.

As we navigate the path of life, let us be aware of the dangers of becoming misguided by business and fortune or too attached to fortune and possessions and remember to constantly re-examine our motives and actions. Let us cherish our health, cultivate alignment with our higher intelligence, the wisdom in our hearts, and nurture faithful ethically supportive relationships. The pursuit of wealth should be guided by principles of ethical conduct, empathy, and compassion, ensuring that our actions contribute positively to the well-being of those you work with and others in that flow. In doing so, we embrace a more profound and enduring form of wealth that can lead us to miracles, lasting happiness and inner peace.

Awareness Eight: Pay Attention to Your Inner Guide

These teachings and the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the quotes from Buddha serve as a profound compass to navigate the complexities of life and to remember we have an inner compass that is part of the operational system of our hearts intelligence. Cultivate inner listening. These practices are part of our Sacred Mind Sanctuary offering not just guidance but also deep insights into how we can navigate and lead a life filled with knowing wisdom and inner peace. No matter the challenges we encounter.

Jampha's Sacred Mind Sanctuary hope's that this journey through a small taste of these ancient teachings has shed light on the path to a more fulfilling and mindful existence.

As you go about your daily life, remember to activate your inner guidance systems by putting your attention to your inner awareness and asking your inner GPS to awaken and connect to your heart intelligence which is a fool proof way to be in alignment. A great way to start the day.

Remember that the insights we've explored here are not mere concepts but practical tools you can use in your own life's journey. By embracing the wisdom of these insight teachings, you are activating and empowering your potential to connect to your inner sanctuary, find serenity, purpose, and a deeper understanding of yourself and the world within and around you.

Until we meet again, thank you for joining The Sacred Mind Sanctuary Sangha on this enlightening journey. May these teachings serve as a source of inspiration, empowerment and strength and may your days ahead be filled with clarity, kindness, and the profound wisdom radiating from your Inner Buddha.

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Terpenes are remarkable compounds that plants use to attract pollinators, repel pests, repair cell damage, and manage other crucial functions. They are powerful plant healers. In addition to performing specific actions, each terpene has a distinct aroma and taste. Like cannabinoids, terpenes activate receptors in the human endocannabinoid system (ECS), a network of neurotransmitters that stretches from head to toe. The ECS system is important because it balances the immune system, regulates brain signaling, maintains body temperature, heart rate, and breathing rate, and plays a role in digestion, mood, and memory. Mind-Blowing Molecules These impressive molecules, called terpenes, are already used in medication, perfumes, cosmetics, beauty products, food flavorings, and cleaning solutions. They are particularly abundant in cannabis and hemp plants, and research into many terpenes is just beginning. Here are the terpenes we use in our Jampha CBD collections. We’ve gathered some of the research on each one. There are additional benefits and plant sources for each terpene since the body of research is continually growing. Terpenes are found in many plants, with as many as 300 terpenes found in hemp. Alpha Bisabolol Sources: Hemp, Chamomile Benefits Used in skin care for its antioxidant, anti-aging, and wound healing properties Sedative, incredibly mentally calming Pain-relieving properties Fights cancer Anti-tumor Reduces inflammation Fights infection Description Preliminary studies with terpene a-bisabolol show it inhibited tumor growth and induced cell death in pancreatic cancer. When tested on leukemia cells, a-bisabolol was effective in killing and slowing them . Alpha bisabolol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Balance Detox Relieve Calm Vibrant Face CBD Topical Alpha Phellandrene Sources: Hemp, Eucalyptus, Mint, Parsley, Dill, Cinnamon Benefits Fights cancer cells Anti-tumor Kills fungus Boosts the immune system Relieves depression Reduces pain Description Found in various natural sources, including eucalyptus, turmeric, and cannabis, a-phellandrene is gaining recognition for potential anticancer applications, including against breast and prostate cancer cells . It may protect the lungs from cancer . Alpha phellandrene also boosts immune function . When tested on leukemia cells, a-phellandrene boosted the immune response and increased B- and T-cell proliferation . In human liver tumor cells, it induced cell necrosis , which means it damaged the cancerous cells. Studies also show a-phellandrene works as an anti-fungal, and it severely disrupts the integrity of the fungal cell membrane . Plants containing this terpene were commonly used in Chinese medicine to treat fungal and bacterial infections, reduce phlegm, and increase energy. Alpha phellandrene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Focus Detox Relieve Breathe Alpha and Beta-Pinene Sources: Hemp, Pine Needles, Basil, Rosemary Benefits Kills bacteria, including resistant types Fights inflammation Reduces pain Improves sleep Inhibits both cancer and leukemia cells Prevents neurodegenerative diseases Enhances memory Supports the effectiveness of antibiotics Diminishes allergy symptoms Supports wound healing Kills fungus Description Responsible for the fresh, piney scent in cleaning products, pinene is found in cannabis, pine needles, eucalyptus leaves, and lemon peels. Multiple studies show pinene fights infection, reduces inflammation , and can inhibit cancer and leukemia cells . These remarkable terpenes also may help treat and prevent neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases . Specifically, pinene helps manage the levels of oxidants and antioxidants in your nervous system. Research this hemp terpene can enhance memory retention by inhibiting the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the brain . Pinene also increases airflow to the lungs, gives some patients asthma relief, and can reduce allergy symptoms like a runny nose or itchy eyes. Studies show that alpha and beta-pinene can reduce antibiotic resistance . It also kills fungus . If you’ve ever enjoyed a stroll through a forest of pine trees, you’ve sampled this terpene’s refreshing molecular magic. Alpha and beta-pinene are included in the following Jampha CBD products: Focus Balance Detox Relieve Breathe Sleep Vibrant Face CBD Topical Relieve Topical Beta-Caryophyllene Sources: Hemp, Hops, Black Pepper, Cloves, Cinnamon, Rosemary Benefits Neuroprotective Fights inflammation Reduces anxiety and depression Accelerates cell healing Fights cancer Anti-tumor May be useful to treat IBS Description Found in ginger, oregano, sage, and thyme, any herbaceous meal you eat likely contains some of the terpene beta-caryophyllene. This powerhouse terpene is abundant in hemp and cannabis plants. Preliminary medical studies show it fights inflammation , helps reduce anxiety and depression , reduces the tumor necrosis factor, and accelerates cell healing . B-caryophyllene is an effective anti-bacterial and is helpful against the airborne bacteria Streptococcal . It does more than protect against bacteria; it increases the speed of cell healing . In two types of colon cancer, b-caryophyllene significantly decreased proliferation . It also fights inflammation in the colon and may be useful to combat inflammatory bowel disease. B-caryophyllene shows promise as a neuroprotective agent with possible applications for Alzheimer’s patients . In preclinical studies, this hemp terpene also reduced inflammatory and neuropathic pain . Beta-caryophyllene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Relieve Calm Focus Detox Breathe Sleep Relieve Topical Cadinene Sources: Hemp, Juniper, Nutmeg, Sesame Benefits Fights inflammation Inhibits cancer cells Provides antioxidants Kills bacteria Reduce respiratory infections Helps lower high blood pressure Reduces anxiety Description A widely occurring terpene, cadinene’s woody scent is commonly used in fragrances. Cadinene inhibits cancer growth , and it interrupts the cell cycle in mutated cells and encourages cell death. Cadinene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Focus Camphene Sources: Hemp, Chrysanthemum, Rosemary Benefits Prevent coronary heart disease Treats athlete’s foot Clears and heals the respiratory system Descriptions Camphene’s aroma is described as pungent and herbal with undertones of pine. Inhaled, it helps clear congestion and acts as a bronchial stimulant. Camphene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Icy-Blue Gel Topical Focus Heat Topical Camphor Sources: Hemp, Camphor, Laurel Tree Benefits Topical pain relief Reduces inflammation Heal allergy rashes and dermatitis Reduce pain from migraines Clear respiratory congestion Description Pungent camphor is also found in herbs like rosemary, basil, and mint but is most abundant in laurel trees. Ancient Japanese and Chinese medical practitioners have long used camphor to treat pain, swelling, and inflammation. Today, camphor is combined with menthol for topical pain relief . You’ll also find camphor in lotions and creams to reduce inflammation , and it is easily absorbed through the skin. Camphor is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Breathe Icy-Blue Gel Topical Focus Heat Topical Citral Sources: Hemp, Lemongrass, Lemon Fruit, Lemon Verbena Benefits Fights tumors Sedative Anti-inflammatory Anti-anxiety Suppresses the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria Kills fungus, including candida Improves metabolic rates and glucose management Relieves diarrhea Description With its citrusy aroma, citral adds scent to a range of beauty products, perfumes, and suntan lotions. It is also an ingredient in desserts and soft drinks. Like CBD and many plant terpenes, citral fights cancer. In one study, citral reduced the weight and size of breast cancer tumors . Other studies indicate that citral can reduce inflammation and help manage immune-inflammatory conditions , including some forms of dementia. In support of digestion, citral is shown to relieve diarrhea and improve metabolic rates and glucose management . Citral is an effective sedative and exhibits anxiety-relieving properties . It also shows promise as an antimicrobial . It suppresses the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, fungi, and other hazardous microbes. Candida is a fungus that commonly overgrows in the intestinal tract due to processed foods, coffee, alcohol, and antibiotics. It can be difficult to kill once established. Left unchecked, candida can travel into the lungs and cause pneumonia. Citral and geraniol both prove effective against candida infection . Citral is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Detox Breathe Sleep Calm Citronellol Sources: Hemp, Lemongrass Benefits Repels bugs Fights cancer Neuroprotective Promotes wound healing Anticonvulsant Antimicrobial and antibiotic Descriptions Citronellol has a floral and citrus scent. It repels some bugs and is used as an ingredient in some insect repellants. Citronellol is effective against lung cancer cells . It also shows promise as an antimicrobial and antibiotic to promote wound healing and reduce convulsions . Citronellol and geraniol demonstrate neuroprotective properties . Researchers say they provide a natural template to treat neurological diseases. Delta 3 Carene Sources: Hemp, Rosemary, Basil, Pepper, Cedar, Pine Benefits Anti-bacterial Kills fungus, including candida Expectorant/Respiratory benefits Treats diarrhea Anti-inflammatory Description The sweet and woody odor of delta 3 carene is evident in familiar sources like rosemary, cedar, and pine. Studies show delta 3 carene can reduce mucus in the lungs . It is an anti-inflammatory with applications for fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other painful chronic conditions. It’s also shown to kill gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and candida species . Delta 3 Carene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Focus Detox Vibrant Face CBD Topical Eucalyptol Sources: Hemp, Bay Leaves, Tea Tree, Sage, Cardamom Benefits Relieves pain-causing inflammation Treats respiratory diseases Potential treatment for pancreatitis Repair colon damage Support heart health Antioxidant Anti-bacterial Anti-fungal Enhances memory and mood Description Found in camphor laurel, bay leaves, tea tree, sweet basil, rosemary, sage, and cannabis, eucalyptol has a minty scent with a bit of spice and honey. Studies show eucalyptol works as an antioxidant and provides relief from inflammation-causing pain . Additional studies reveal how it can help repair colon damage and support cardiovascular health . Eucalyptol has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties . It also has mental benefits and enhances memory and mood . Eucalyptol is a systemic anti-inflammatory that reduces oxidative stress and fights neurodegenerative diseases . Eucalyptol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Detox Breathe Eugenol Sources: Hemp, Turmeric, Ginger, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Oregano, Thyme Benefits Fights several types of cancer, including melanoma Anti-tumor Gentle local anesthetic and antiseptic Kills bacteria and fungus Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Lowers cholesterol levels Protects the kidneys Defends against food-borne pathogens Description Since it protects against food-borne pathogens , fragrant and spicy eugenol is added to food preservatives, beauty products, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Eugenol was shown to kill cancer cells in several forms of cancer, including melanoma, osteosarcoma, leukemia, gastric, skin tumors, and mast cells . Eugenol lowers serum cholesterol levels and supports healthy liver activity. Eugenol also protects the kidneys and helps them recover after injury. Eugenol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Detox Relieve Vibrant Face CBD Topical Gamma Terpinene Sources: Hemp, Parsnip, Green Bell Pepper, Turmeric Benefits Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Sedative Description Because of its strong lemon odor, gamma-terpinene is an ingredient in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and tobacco. Research on gamma-terpinene shows antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory benefits. Gamma Terpinine is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Relieve Sleep Geraniol Sources: Hemp, Catnip, Lemongrass, Beebalm, Grapes Benefits Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Fights tumors Fights cancer Neuroprotectant Eases depression Aids sleep Kills fungus Kills viruses Supports optimal liver and kidney function Reduces depression Description Thanks to a rose-like aroma, geraniol is widely used in perfumes and toilet solutions. Researchers have found the geraniol to possess anti-tumor properties on skin, oral, breast, lung, colon, prostate, pancreatic, kidney, and liver cancers. Geraniol fights several types of cancer, including lung cancer , and improves the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatments. Studies also indicate it has potent anti-tumor properties with no damage to surrounding healthy tissue . It makes tumor cells more vulnerable to commonly used chemotherapy agents and limits their adaptive resistance. Studies show it protects your liver and may assist in its regeneration. It also supports optimal kidney function . Geraniol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Detox Breathe Sleep Humulene Sources: Hemp, Sage, Ginseng, Hops Benefits Anti-inflammatory Mitigated inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia Anti-bacterial Destroys cancer cells Slows tumor growth Malaria Dengue fever Description Through its sources like ginseng, humulene has been used in Chinese medicine for generations. Research shows it works as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It offers the potential to treat arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia , and any condition that benefits from reducing inflammation. It has been useful in some countries for treating malaria and dengue fever . Humulene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Balance Relieve Limonene/D-Limonene Sources: Hemp, Orange Rind, Dill, Cardamom, Marigolds, Nutmeg Benefits Fights cancer Helps reduce tumors Effective sedative that also calms the skin Natural insecticide Antimicrobial Kills viruses Protects cardiovascular tissue Protects the stomach Regulates metabolic processes Reduces anxiety Relieves depression Helps counteract the effects of stress Reduces brain inflammation Supports a healthy immune system Description Limonene is a powerful sedative to improve mood and enhance well-being, reduces anxiety and depression , and fights stress . This hemp terpene has also been shown to be calming to the skin. Limonene reduces brain inflammation and protects the brain against toxicity . This hemp terpene is not just a potent anti-inflammatory; it can help the immune system heal and repair after illness or disease. Multiple studies also show d-limonene supports the lymphatic system and helps regulate immune function . Limonene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Relieve Focus Detox Balance Breathe Vibrant Face CBD Topical Relieve Topical Icy-Blue Gel Topical Focus Heat Topical Linalool Sources: Hemp, Mints, Cinnamon, Rosewood, Citrus, Lavender Benefits Fights cancer Reduces seizures Improves memory and brain function Eases anxiety Antidepressant Muscle relaxant Sleep aid Repels mosquitos Reduces pain Description Linalool’s aroma is floral with a hint of spice and citrus. It is used as a food additive to enhance flavor and the scent profile in cleaning, cosmetic, and hygiene products. Studies so far show applications to reduce anxiety , relieve stress , ease depression , reduce epileptic seizures , reduce pain , and fight cancer . Linalool is proving helpful in inducing apoptosis in several types of cancer cells, including leukemia and cervical cancer . Linalool is not just a potent anti-inflammatory; it can help the immune system heal and repair after illness or disease. The plant terpene linalool has been effective against seizures in several animal studies. In a preclinical study on Alzheimer’s, linalool reversed both neuropathological and behavioral impairments . Linalool is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Balance Detox Sleep Relieve Calm Vibrant Face CBD Topical Lotion Myrcene Sources: Hemp, Hops, Mango, Basil, Lemongrass Benefits Fights cancer Potential treatment for diabetes Anti-inflammatory Neuroprotectant Sedative Reduces sleep disorders like insomnia Mitigates pain Description Myrcene is a dominant terpene in the world of cannabis research. It works as an analgesic to reduce pain and bodily discomfort and is an effective sedative . Myrcene works as a muscle relaxant with an application to treat sleep disorders like insomnia . Like many terpenes, it is a valuable anti-inflammatory . In Brazilian traditional medicine, it’s been used for treating diabetes , diarrhea, and hypertension. In a study on breast cancer, myrcene impaired cancer’s ability to grow and induced cell death . Myrcene acts as a neuroprotective , and it reduces oxidative damage and slows cell death in the brain. Myrcene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Sleep Relieve Calm Relieve Topical Icy-Blue Gel Topical Focus Heat Topical Nerolidol Sources: Hemp, Neroli, Ginger, Jasmine, Tea Tree Benefits Kills cancer cells Fights tumors Anti-inflammatory Protects brain tissue from oxidative stress Antioxidant Antimicrobial Kills parasites Natural insecticide Sedative Description Woodsy, floral, and lightly citrusy nerolidol is used in shampoos, perfumes, detergents, and cleansers. It’s an FDA-approved food flavoring agent. Nerolidol’s sedative properties were first documented in 1972. It is currently under testing as a skin penetration enhancer for the transdermal delivery of therapeutic drugs . Research already shows it works as an antioxidant, kills bacteria, parasites, and insects, reduces ulcers, fights tumors, and reduces inflammation. It’s also an antioxidant , which supports heart health and helps the body fight the biochemical changes resulting from stress. Nerolidol’s robust anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties reduced the inflammation in rats’ brains and protected them from oxidative stress . In cancer studies, nerolidol reduced both benign and malignant tumors of the gallbladder . Nerolidol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Calm Ocimene Sources: Hemp, Allspice, Parsley, Marjoram, Tarragon, Mango Benefits Decongestant and expectorant Antiviral Anti-bacterial Reduces seizures Anti-fungal Fights cancer Description Because of its pleasant, herbaceous aroma, ocimene is used in many perfumes. Ocimene is a decongestant and expectorant that helps clear airways and improve respiration. It is shown to work as an anti-bacterial and kills fungus. Other medical applications include reducing seizures and fighting cancer tumors . Ocimene, derived from basil and sage, as well as hemp, works as an anticonvulsant . Para-Cymene Sources: Hemp, Cumin, Thyme, Oregano, Anise, Eucalyptus Benefits Kills cancer cells Antimicrobial Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Potential as an emphysema treatment Reduces anxiety Description With a sweet and citrusy taste and scent, para-cymene makes a popular flavoring agent. It’s also used in make-up, perfumes, and cleaning products. Studies show p-cymene to have antioxidant , anti-inflammatory , anxiolytic , anticancer , and antimicrobial properties. It helps repair cells, reduce inflammation, and kill bacteria. Emphysema reduces lung capacity with no cure, so efforts are focused on halting the disease’s progression. Studies show p-cymene reduces lung emphysema and inflammation . Para-Cymene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Breathe Phytol Sources: Hemp, Chlorophyll Benefits Fights cancer Enhances immune function Reduces inflammation Antioxidant Potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Description Phytol is released during chlorophyll breakdown, and it’s used in many fragrance compounds as an aromatic ingredient. Medically, research shows that it acts as an antioxidant , reduces inflammation , and fights cancer . Phytol enhances the natural killer cells that fight cancer while also strengthening immunity and reducing inflammation. It is studied as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s patients because it disrupts the amyloid proteins that accumulate with that disease. Phytol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Focus Pulegone Sources: Hemp, Pennyroyal, Catnip, Peppermint Benefits Muscle relaxer Improves memory and cognitive function Antioxidant Reduces allergic responses and inflammation Sleep aid Description Pulegone has a pleasant, mint-like odor and is used as a flavoring agent and in perfumes. Preliminary research shows its benefits as a muscle relaxer . It also helps the brain and nerve cells to communicate more effectively and improves your memory . Pulegone is an antioxidant and supports immune function by suppressing allergic and inflammation responses . It also works as an antihistamine to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions, including nasal congestion, sneezing, or hives. Found in camphor, mint plants, and hemp, the plant terpene pulegone helped subjects fall asleep more easily . The terpene pulegone improves cognitive function and memory and helps your brain make new neural connections. Pulegone is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Breathe Terpineol Sources: Hemp, Lilacs, Pine Trees, Clary Sage, Coriander, Mandarin Orange Benefits Potential to treat cancer Fights tumors Reduce seizures Sedative Gastroprotective Aids in addiction recovery Reduces anxiety Kills fungus Kill bacteria Description Terpineol has a pleasant forest-like and floral aroma. Used as a flavoring in sweets, beverages, and condiments, you can also find terpineol in soaps, candles, perfumes, and lotions. Research shows it kills bacteria and fights fungus . For patients with epilepsy, it can reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures . As a gastroprotective , it helps protect our digestive system from acid damage. Terpineol is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Detox Sleep Relieve Calm Terpinolene Sources: Hemp, Lilac, Tea Tree, Nutmeg, Apples, Cabbage, Carrots, Conifers, Sage Benefits Sedative that helps with sleep Fights cancer Reduces inflammation Provides pain relief Repels insects Reduce anxiety and panic attacks Description Terpinolene has a woody aroma that is often accompanied by citrusy and floral tones. This fresh-tasting compound shows promise as an anti-inflammatory that can provide pain relief . It also helps reduce oxidative damage to slow signs of aging . This hemp terpene is a natural insect repellent . It reduces anxiety and treats insomnia and panic attacks . Studies show terpinolene may slow down the growth of brain cancer cells . Terpinolene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Balance Vibrant Face CBD Topical Relieve Topical Valencene Sources: Hemp, Valencia Oranges Benefits Inhibits the growth of cancer cells Fights damage to the skin due to sun exposure Reduces inflammation Relieves and controls allergic responses Improves mental alertness Description With a sweet and citrusy aroma, the terpene valencene is a highly valued flavor additive. Valencene reduces inflammation . It also can help treat allergies and lower the intensity of a reaction. Valencene shows the potential to fight damage made to the skin due to sun exposure . Valencene is included in the following Jampha CBD products: Sleep Calm The Safety of Terpenes and Essential Oils Essential oils contain terpenes mixed with other compounds. If you diffuse a rose or lavender essential oil, terpene molecules in the air create a floral aroma. Essential oils have a mix of terpenes with other concentrated plant compounds. As is the case with powerful medicine, the correct dose is beneficial, but an overdose can be harmful. This general rule is particularly true with essential oils. People tend to think, “it’s just plants,” without realizing the remarkable impact of plant molecules on the body. While terpenes are safe to eat, and some are FDA-approved as food additives, a few can be toxic in high quantities. CBD is carefully crafted with a healthy level of targeted terpenes. Most essential oils are best used by diffusers and should not be consumed . Some can cause a rash on the skin or be poisonous if swallowed, so users should carefully investigate each oil before use. Some are so potent they need to be diluted to be safe to use. Popular essential oils that must be diluted include: Bay Cinnamon bark or leaf Clove bud Citronella Cumin Lemongrass Lemon verbena Oregano Thyme Not Just Plants, Plant Molecules Next time you catch the scent of fresh orange, pine, or garden flowers, take a deep breath. Those are terpenes, and they are good for you. Cannabis and the industrial hemp plant have a remarkably high concentration and variety of terpenes. Full-spectrum CBD harnesses the power of these plant molecules, individually and together, in an entourage.
By Trinn Hatch 03 Sep, 2023
Understanding the ego is essential in the quest for spiritual growth and holistic well-being. Thought leaders like Chögyam Trungpa, Eckhart Tolle, and Dr. Joe Dispenza have deeply explored this concept, offering actionable insights into recognizing, integrating, and transcending the ego.  This blog weaves their wisdom together, offering insights into liberating ourselves from the confines of ego. The Birth of Ego: A Split from Reality In his groundbreaking work "A New Earth," Eckhart Tolle discusses the genesis of ego as a divergence from the authentic self. As per Tolle, when a child is born, their initial experience is pure awareness, an unfiltered engagement with the 'Now.' As we grow, we start identifying with our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This identification is what Tolle defines as the ego – an artificial construct that veils our true, boundless self. Recognizing the Ego: Insights from Chögyam Trungpa Chögyam Trungpa, a revered Tibetan Buddhist master, contributed significantly to the understanding of the ego. According to Trungpa, the ego develops as a safety mechanism, an armor constructed out of our thoughts and emotions. While seemingly protective, this armor isolates us from genuine, unmediated experiences. Trungpa guides us to identify the ego through mindfulness meditation. During this practice, we can observe the ego as it instinctively clings to thoughts and emotions, thereby revealing itself. Such mindful observation allows us to train our awareness to identify the fleeting and insubstantial ego as distinct from our true self. Transcending the Ego: A Multi-Dimensional Approach While at its essence, strategies to dissolve and integrate the ego are very similar; different spiritual teachers articulate it differently. Eckhart Tolle suggests the practice of presence, wherein we anchor ourselves in the 'Now,' detaching from the ego's past and future narratives. Tolle advises watching the thinker, an exercise where we observe our thoughts without judgment or identification. Chögyam Trungpa offers the practice of 'shamatha-vipashyana' meditation. In 'shamatha,' the calming aspect of the practice, we cultivate mindfulness and awareness to dissolve the ego's grip. 'Vipashyana,' the insight aspect, allows us to see the true nature of the ego and reality, leading to a deeper understanding and eventual integration of the ego. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a pioneering researcher in neuroscience and epigenetics, offers a science-backed approach to transcend the ego, which is remarkably similar to the other two methods. He advocates reprogramming the brain through meditation and mental rehearsals, which can help cultivate states of being free from ego-driven thoughts and emotions. Quieting the Ego: Tools for Daily Practice Specific tools can effectively integrate and quieten the ego through daily practice. Mindfulness, the act of staying fully present in each moment, can starve the ego of the past and future narratives it thrives on. Techniques like 'Loving-Kindness meditation' or 'Metta Bhavana' encourage cultivating an open heart and unconditional kindness towards all beings, eroding the ego's sense of separateness, entitlement, and neediness. Practices like 'Self-Inquiry' or 'Atma Vichara' involve relentlessly questioning the notion of 'I,' helping to reveal and quieten the ego. Dissolving Into Wholeness While the ego can often feel like a formidable obstacle, the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Chögyam Trungpa, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and many others offer a clear path to understanding and transcending it. It's important to remember that the journey of dissolving the ego is a deeply personal and transformative process. As we start seeing through the illusion of the ego, we can begin to experience our innate wholeness. This shift doesn't necessarily mean the complete eradication of the ego but rather a change in our relationship with it. We learn to see it for what it truly is - a constructed identity, not our authentic being. A Journey Into Connection and Awareness The dissolution of the ego is not an end but a beginning. It starts a journey into deeper awareness, compassion, and connection. As we step out from the shadow of the ego, we step into the light of consciousness and begin to live from a place of authenticity, inner peace, and interconnectedness. May the wisdom of these spiritual thought leaders guide you on your journey toward self-discovery and liberation. The path may seem challenging, but remember each step taken with awareness brings you closer to your true and boundless self.
By Joan Weisman 03 Sep, 2023
Sleep is often the missing link in balanced health. We cannot live without sleep. Regular, quality rest keeps our immune system strong and our brain lively. A lack of sleep lowers stress resistance and dulls our ability to think, concentrate, or even process memories.
By Joan Weisman 03 Sep, 2023
To meet the day means being alert and energetic. A clear mind is better for learning, productivity, and decision-making. Many of the stimulants we commonly use to feel awake, like caffeine, can have side-effects or cause dependence. The Focus Tincture Collection combines organic CBD with plant terpenes well-known to help with mental clarity and energy. Here, we take a look at how caffeine works in our body and compare that with the research on how CBD and plant terpenes support vital energy and mental clarity. Caffeine, an Adenosine Competitor As we do physical or mental work during the day, our central nervous system releases adenosine. It builds up as the day winds onward, making us feel tired. We burn adenosine while we sleep, allowing us to wake up with energy for the day. Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors. Caffeine actually works through several mechanisms, but a primary one is interfering with adenosine's ability to bind with receptors in your nervous system . Even if you've been active or using your brain for an extended period and a fair amount of adenosine has built up, the caffeine blocks its effect and reduces the feeling of tiredness. Caffeine is safe for consumption, and most people do not have side-effects. Doctors recommend consuming the equivalent of no more than four cups of coffee a day . Side-effects of caffeine can include sleeplessness, anxiety, nausea, dehydration, or an accelerated heart rate. CBD and Mental Alertness CBD functions differently than coffee. While coffee's full effects come on and fade within a few hours, CBD builds up in your body over time. You may feel its effects shortly after taking it, and CBD becomes more effective with consistent use. You may know CBD as a sedative rather than a stimulant. Because of its interaction with the endocannabinoid system that stretches from head to toe, CBD appears to have a biphasic effect. Specifically, people experience different results depending on the dosage they receive. According to a 2017 review, the effect of lower doses of CBD may be stimulating, and higher doses sedative . A single dose of CBD increases blood flow to the part of the brain associated with memory function , according to recent research at University College London. Scientists found 600 mg of CBD increased blood flow to brain regions involved in processing memory, particularly the hippocampus. Early studies in CBD discovered that CBD can promote wakefulness , though the precise dosage and methods require additional research. Anxiety and stress are exhausting. Another way CBD may reduce fatigue is by alleviating stress and anxiety . Studies using hair analysis in regular cannabis users found more significant CBD concentrations to be associated with better cognitive performance – especially memory – fewer psychotic symptoms and increased gray matter in the hippocampus. Our Focus Formula's Synergy-Enhanced Terpenes Terpenes have their own host of benefits for cognitive function. Each of the plant terpenes in our Focus SETI formulas, with or without CBD , was selected to enhance vitality and brain function. Alpha & Beta-Pinene Pinene offers several benefits to the brain and nervous system. It is often said to provide a concentration boost coincided with a feeling of alertness. Research shows it can enhance memory retention by inhibiting the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the brain . Alpha and beta-Pinene show potential to help treat and prevent neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases . Further brain benefits of pinene are under study. Limonene Limonene supports your vitality in several ways. It relieves anxiety and depression and fights stress allowing you to function better. It has an impressive ability to help your liver's detoxification enzymes cleanse the body of harmful chemicals and fats . A healthy liver supplies glucose to your blood to keep your energy and blood sugar levels even. Today's lifestyle can be hard work for our livers, and it appreciates all the help it can get. Limonene has other brain benefits – it reduces brain inflammation and protects it from toxicity . Beta-Caryophyllene b-Caryophyllene improves and even restores memory in preclinical trials. It is abundant in hemp and cannabis plants as well as ginger, oregano, and thyme. It is a CB2 antagonist that fights inflammation , helps reduce anxiety and depression , and accelerates cell healing . b-Caryophyllene shows promise as a neuroprotective agent with possible applications for Alzheimer's patients . alpha-Phellandrene a-Phellandrene boosts immune function and helps keep us healthy. Plants containing this terpene, like ginger, were commonly used in Chinese medicine to increase energy. Preclinical studies show a-Phellandrene may reduce pain and relieve depression . Cadinene Cadinene's woody scent is widely used in fragrances. Preliminary studies show cadinene fights inflammation . It's also may help reduce anxiety and high blood pressure . Delta 3 Carene Delta 3 Carene is an anti-inflammatory with applications for fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other painful chronic conditions . It's shown to kill candida species , which can drain our vitality if overgrown. Delta 3 Carene is also under study for its potential benefits to bone density. Researchers have seen evidence it can have a beneficial effect on bone health . Phytol Phytol's invigorating effect is said to increase mental alertness . It is under investigation as a possible alternative treatment for Alzheimer's patients for its ability to disrupt the amyloid proteins that accumulate with that disease. Phytol also acts as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation . Get Sustained Energy with Terpene-Enhanced SETI Formulas Sustained energy is not a product of poor sleep patterns, artificial stimulants, and poor self-care. The better our health and our cells' vitality, the easier it is for our organs and systems to feed us the energy we need to get through the day. Some people enjoy combining coffee and CBD. Each impacts mental clarity differently. Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant that stops us from feeling tired. On the other hand, plant terpenes are natural molecules designed to help balance and regulate your body's systems to stimulate mental clarity and support vitality on a cellular level.
By Joan Weisman 03 Sep, 2023
People are looking for new and nonaddictive ways to treat pain. Topical CBD cream works on a targeted area because the cannabidiol compounds are absorbed through the skin. Instead of entering the bloodstream like CBD does when you take it orally, topical CBD connects with nearby cannabinoid receptors through the skin pores. Our Relieve Topical formula combines CBD, plant terpenes, essential oils, and whole-food emulsifiers to create a smooth and natural pain-relieving formula. In this close-up, we examine the science behind our ingredients. The Pain-Relieving Properties of CBD CBD provides pain relief through several biological processes in the body. Rather than simply blocking the pain signal like some medications, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help the body restore balance and improve function. The ECS regulates and modulates the immune response, communication between cells, metabolism, memory, mood, and pain perception. Preclinical trials show CBD to reduce different types of pain. In one study, CBD reduced pain from a surgical incision . In another, it reduced neuropathic pain and inflammation associated with sciatica . CBD has neuroprotective properties, which means it can help protect and regenerate your nervous system. Preclinical studies show CBD may decrease inflammation and prevent neurodegeneration. CBD i s the first active ingredient in our Relieve Topical formula. It is assisted by an entourage of plant terpenes. Assisted by Plant Terpenes Like the CBD molecule, plant terpenes are specialized molecules able to interact with our ECS and other biological systems. The six terpenes in our Relieve Topical are alpha and beta-pinene, beta-caryophyllene, terpinolene, limonene, and myrcene. Alpha and beta-pinene exhibit anti-inflammatory activity and reduce pain in preclinical studies. Initial studies on beta-caryophyllene show it fights inflammation and accelerates cell healing . Limonene acts as a natural insecticide , antiviral , and kills bacteria . It also enhances mood and well-being, has a sedative effe ct and stress-fighting properties . Myrcene is a well-loved terpene in the world of cannabis research. It works as an analgesic to reduce bodily discomfort and pain and as a sedative . Myrcene also helps your muscles relax . Terpinolene shows promise as an anti-inflammatory and to provide pain relief . It also reduces anxiety and is under research as a way to treat insomnia and panic attacks . All plants create terpenes to attract pollinators, repel pests, repair cells, and other essential functions, but hemp has one of the highest concentrations of any plant. When you breathe in the natural scent of lavender or citrus, for example, you are inhaling beneficial terpene molecules. Pinene smells like pine needs, and limonene has a citrusy aroma. Terpinolene's scent is more intricate than most, including piney, floral, and herbaceous notes. Supported by 10 Essential Oils For complete plant medicine , our Relieve Topical includes ten essential oils: geranium, chamomile, lavender, peppermint, comfrey, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree, ylang-ylang, and frankincense. Geranium applied topically on the skin, geranium oil kills bacteria and reduces inflammation . One study found it to relieve nerve pain . German Chamomile reduces swelling and promotes relaxation . In a preclinical study, German chamomile relieved both the symptoms and underlying allergic markers for eczema . Lavender is one of the most popular aromatherapy scents, lavender, is celebrated for its ability to soothe and relax. A clinical study found that lavender reduced pain and eased muscle tension when combined with other pain treatments . Peppermint contains menthol to cool sore, achy muscles. It also reduces the perception of pain and fights inflammation. Comfrey gets conventional researchers' attention, several randomized clinical trials support the usefulness of topically-applied comfrey to treat pain, inflammation of muscles and joints, and sprains . Eucalyptus has a soothing, cooling effect on muscles and eases pain and inflammation . Rosemary is not only great on chicken and potatoes! The essential oil is noted for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammation properties . Tea Tree oil reduces inflammation, kills bacteria, and soothes redness and swelling . Ylang-Ylang studies demonstrate ylang-ylang's capacity to kill bacteria and fungus and help wounds heal. It also may have soothing, sedative properties. Some people use it on their scalps to promote hair growth. Frankincense alleviates pain and swelling and invigorates blood flow in the area . Delivered with Healing Emulsifiers Our Relieve Topical is completed with whole-food emulsifiers, including vitamin E, coconut oil, and rose damascene water. Vitamin E nourishes your skin and protects it from free radicals . Rose Damascena water boasts antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to your skin, coconut oil fights inflammation, keeps skin moisturized, and promotes wound healing . Concentrated Plant Medicine In Tibet, the word 'jampha' means 'loving kindness.' At Jampha, we strive to create products that bring relief, healing, and vitality to people's lives. Our Relieve Topical builds on the molecular power of CBD with a supporting entourage of Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions and Essential oils. Learn more about the terpenes and botanicals in Jampha's products in our Terpene Library and Botanical Library .
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