Healing Potential of Dryopteris Crassirhizoma Rhizome
Jampha • Mar 31, 2023

Healing Potential of Dryopteris Crassirhizoma Rhizome

Dryopteris crassirhizoma, or Thickstem Wood Fern or Male Fern, is a plant species in Asia, Europe, and North America. The rhizome of this fern is used in traditional Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine for its potential medicinal properties. This monograph will examine the scientific studies related to the healing potential of Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome, including its specific uses in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine.

Antimicrobial properties:

Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome has been found to exhibit significant antimicrobial activity against various bacterial and fungal strains. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2010 found that the ethanolic extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma showed potent antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Another study published in the same journal in 2013 found that the methanol extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma showed strong antifungal activity against Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger.

Anti-inflammatory properties:

Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome has been found to possess significant anti-inflammatory properties. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2007 found that the methanol extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in a rat model of acute inflammation. The anti-inflammatory activity of the extract may be due to its ability to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Anti-cancer properties:

Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome has been found to possess anti-cancer properties. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research in 2012 found that the ethanolic extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma inhibited the growth of human cervical cancer cells in vitro. The study suggested that the anti-cancer activity of the extract may be due to its ability to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells.

Antioxidant properties:

Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome has been found to possess significant antioxidant properties. A study published in the journal Food Chemistry in 2013 found that the ethanolic extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma exhibited potent antioxidant activity in vitro. The antioxidant activity of the extract may be due to its high content of phenolic compounds.

In Tibetan medicine, Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome treats various conditions, including fever, cough, bronchitis, and diarrhea. It is also used as a tonic to strengthen the body and improve overall health.

In Ayurvedic medicine, Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome treats digestive disorders like dysentery and diarrhea. It is also a tonic to improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Additionally, the rhizome of Dryopteris crassirhizoma has been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties. A study by Jiang et al. (2007) revealed that the methanol extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in a rat model of acute inflammation. The anti-inflammatory activity of the extract may be due to its ability to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Moreover, the rhizome of Dryopteris crassirhizoma has been found to possess anti-cancer properties. A study by Zhu et al. (2012) demonstrated that the ethanolic extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma inhibited the growth of human cervical cancer cells in vitro. The study suggested that the anti-cancer activity of the extract may be due to its ability to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells.

Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome has also been found to possess significant antioxidant properties. A study by Lu et al. (2013) showed that the ethanolic extract of Dryopteris crassirhizoma exhibited potent antioxidant activity in vitro. The study suggested that the antioxidant activity of the extract may be due to its high content of phenolic compounds.

In Tibetan medicine, Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome is used to treat a variety of conditions, such as fever, cough, bronchitis, and diarrhea. It is also used as a tonic to strengthen the body and improve overall health. (Amchi Thubten, 1998).

In Ayurvedic medicine, Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome is used to treat digestive disorders, such as dysentery and diarrhea. It is also used as a tonic to improve digestion and strengthen the immune system. (Sharma, 2011).

In conclusion, scientific studies suggest that Dryopteris crassirhizoma rhizome possesses significant healing potential, particularly in its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antioxidant properties. Its specific uses in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine support these findings and suggest that it may be a valuable natural remedy for a variety of health conditions. However, more research is needed to understand its therapeutic potential and possible side effects fully.


Amchi Thubten. (1998). The Tibetan Art of Healing. Inner Traditions.

Jiang, R.W., Wong, K.L., Chan, Y.W., et al. (2007). Anti-inflammatory activities of Chinese herbal medicines traditionally used topically for trauma-induced

By Amchi Thubten Lekshe 05 Sep, 2024
Nature's Blueprint Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy is Unlocking Plant Phyto Chemistry for DNA Repair, Telomere Protection, and Methylation Mastery Amid the rich tapestry of plant medicine, the profound impact of certain herbs on our cellular health is becoming increasingly recognized. Many of these powerful botanicals have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, and play critical roles in supporting DNA repair and rejuvenation, protecting telomeres, activating essential enzymes, modulating epigenetic expression, preventing cancer, and promoting healthy methylation processes. DNA Is the Heart of Cellular Health At the heart of cellular health is the integrity of our DNA, the fundamental blueprint that governs all biological processes. Every day, our DNA is subjected to damage from environmental toxins, oxidative stress, and even normal metabolic activities. Over time, this damage can lead to mutations, cellular dysfunction, and diseases such as cancer. However, nature provides us with a variety of herbs, like Turmeric, Sea Buckthorn, and Grape Seed Extract, that are rich in antioxidants and other bioactive compounds capable of repairing damaged DNA and protecting against further harm. These herbs work by neutralizing free radicals, reducing inflammation, and enhancing the activity of DNA repair enzymes, which are vital for maintaining the continuity of healthy cellular function and promoting longevity. Some Medicinal Herbs Safeguard Telomeres In addition to protecting DNA itself, some herbs have the remarkable ability to safeguard telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres play a critical role in preventing the genetic instability that leads to aging and disease. With each cell division, telomeres shorten, and once they become too short, the cell can no longer divide, leading to cellular aging and death. Herbs such as Astragalus and Gynostemma have been shown to activate telomerase, an enzyme that helps maintain telomere length, thus extending the lifespan of cells and protecting them from premature aging and related diseases. Traditional Herbs Support DNA Repair Beyond these direct protective effects, many herbs also enhance the function of enzymes that are crucial for DNA repair and detoxification. For example, Milk Thistle and Rosemary have been found to activate enzymes such as PARP (Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase) and phase II detoxification enzymes. These enzymes play a pivotal role in repairing DNA damage, eliminating harmful toxins, and preventing the mutations that could lead to diseases like cancer. By boosting the activity of these enzymes, these herbs contribute to a more resilient and self-healing cellular environment. Healing Herbs Modulate Our Epigenetic Expression Another fascinating aspect of these herbs is their ability to modulate epigenetic expression. Our genes are not static; they can be turned on or off in response to environmental factors, including diet. This process, known as epigenetic modulation, is influenced by certain herbs like Green Tea and Ashwagandha. These botanicals can alter the expression of genes involved in DNA repair, inflammation, and cellular defense, thereby helping the body adapt to environmental challenges and potentially reverse harmful genetic changes. This modulation allows for a dynamic response to stressors, enhancing overall cellular health and longevity. Enhancing DNA Repair Helps Prevent Cancer Cancer prevention is one of the most significant benefits of these herbs. By enhancing DNA repair mechanisms, reducing oxidative stress, and modulating gene expression, herbs such as Saffron, Rhodiola, and Bacopa help reduce the risk of mutations that could lead to cancer. Moreover, their anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties create a healthier cellular environment, further lowering the risk of cancer development. These herbs act as a natural line of defense, helping to maintain cellular integrity and prevent the onset of chronic diseases. Finally, herbs like Amla and Neem support methylation, a key biochemical mechanism that affects DNA synthesis, repair, and gene expression. Proper methylation is crucial for turning genes on and off as needed, ensuring that cells function optimally and reducing the risk of abnormal cell growth. These herbs provide the necessary nutrients and antioxidants to promote healthy methylation patterns, thereby contributing to overall genetic stability and cellular health. Medicinal Botanicals Support Lifelong Vitality Through their combined synergistic effects, these botanicals offer not just a path to healing but a phytochemical empowering blueprint for achieving lifelong vitality, ensuring that our cells remain healthy, our DNA intact, and our bodies resilient against the challenges of aging and disease. Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy skillfully orchestrates plant phytochemistry for protecting telomeres, activating key enzymes, modulating epigenetic expression, preventing cancer, and ensuring proper methylation, they empower the body's innate ability to heal, protect, and thrive. Jampha Uses These Herbs in Our Tibetan Infusions The medicinal plants used in creating the Tibetan Pharmacy Infusions are well-known for supporting DNA repair and rejuvenation, offering potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and adaptogenic properties that contribute to maintaining DNA integrity and promoting cellular health. Because of extensive scientific research, validation of traditional uses, mechanistic insights into how they influence DNA repair pathways, their role in preventive medicine, and the widespread promotion of these benefits in health supplements and media. Here are 25 notable examples of over 160 botanicals used in the creation of Jampha’s Tibetan Medicinal Infusions. Among the many qualities and benefits these herbs offer, their phytochemicals have been studied for their ability to support DNA repair and rejuvenation. Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy’s Medicinal Infusions - Blue Lotus Peacock , Turquoise Dragon , LyFuMo , White Tiger . Maithuna Prana and White Elephant all include the organic plant phytochemistry that supports DNA repair and rejuvenation, protecting telomeres, activating key enzymes, modulating epigenetic expression, preventing cancer, and ensuring proper methylation. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Key Phytochemicals: Curcumin Mechanism: Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound that modulates multiple cellular pathways involved in DNA repair. It enhances the activity of DNA repair enzymes like PARP (Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase) and reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause DNA mutations. Curcumin also influences epigenetic modulation by affecting the expression of genes responsible for cellular defense and longevity. Additionally, curcumin helps in maintaining healthy methylation patterns, contributing to genomic stability. Benefits: Supports DNA repair and rejuvenation, reduces inflammation, enhances antioxidant defenses, promotes healthy methylation, and may prevent cancer by reducing mutations. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Key Phytochemicals: Omega-7 fatty acids (Palmitoleic acid), Flavonoids, Vitamin C, Carotenoids Mechanism: Sea Buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids and carotenoids, which help neutralize free radicals that can cause DNA damage. The high concentration of omega-7 fatty acids supports the integrity of cell membranes, protecting cells from oxidative stress. Sea Buckthorn also promotes telomere protection by supporting cellular integrity, while its vitamin C content enhances collagen synthesis and supports DNA repair mechanisms. Additionally, its antioxidant properties contribute to cancer prevention and epigenetic modulation. Benefits: Enhances DNA protection and repair, supports telomere integrity, promotes cellular regeneration, boosts immune function, and supports cancer prevention. Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) Key Phytochemicals: Vitamin C, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, Tannins Mechanism: Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is exceptionally rich in vitamin C and other potent antioxidants like gallic acid and ellagic acid, which protect DNA from oxidative damage. These compounds help to neutralize free radicals, reducing the oxidative stress that can lead to DNA mutations. Amla also supports telomere protection and has been traditionally used to enhance longevity by promoting detoxification and supporting healthy methylation processes. Its antioxidant properties make it valuable for cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Strengthens immune function, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, promotes healthy methylation, offers anti-aging properties, and aids in cancer prevention. Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) Key Phytochemicals: Asiaticoside, Madecassoside Mechanism: Gotu Kola enhances the synthesis of collagen, which is essential for tissue repair and maintaining the structural integrity of cells, including DNA. Asiaticoside and madecassoside, its primary active compounds, reduce oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals and promoting the activity of antioxidant enzymes, which are critical for DNA repair. Gotu Kola also supports telomere protection by maintaining cellular structure and influences gene expression through epigenetic modulation. Its role in enhancing DNA repair helps in cancer prevention. Benefits: Supports DNA repair and telomere protection, reduces oxidative damage, promotes collagen synthesis, enhances epigenetic modulation, and aids in cancer prevention. Ginkgo Biloba Key Phytochemicals: Ginkgolides, Bilobalide Mechanism: Ginkgo Biloba is rich in flavonoids and terpenoids, which exhibit strong antioxidant effects, protecting cells and DNA from oxidative stress. Ginkgolides and bilobalide help improve blood circulation, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients are efficiently delivered to cells, which is crucial for DNA repair and maintenance. Ginkgo also enhances the activity of DNA repair enzymes and has been shown to protect telomeres, reducing the incidence of DNA strand breaks and supporting healthy aging. Additionally, it influences epigenetic markers and may contribute to cancer prevention by reducing oxidative stress. Benefits: Improves cognitive function, enhances circulation, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, reduces oxidative stress, and aids in cancer prevention. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Key Phytochemicals: Glycyrrhizin, Glabridin Mechanism: Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin and glabridin, compounds that exhibit strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These compounds help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, two major factors that contribute to DNA damage. Licorice also supports enzyme activation by enhancing the body's stress response, which in turn reduces stress-induced DNA damage and promotes the repair of damaged cells. It also influences methylation patterns and has been studied for its potential role in cancer prevention by reducing the risk of mutations. Benefits: Supports DNA repair, reduces inflammation, enhances enzyme activation, promotes healthy methylation, and contributes to cancer prevention. Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) Key Phytochemicals: Astragalosides, Flavonoids Mechanism: Astragalus is known for its ability to support telomere maintenance, which is crucial for protecting DNA integrity during cell division. Astragalosides, the active compounds in Astragalus, have been shown to activate telomerase, an enzyme that helps maintain telomere length and prevent cellular aging. Additionally, the flavonoids in Astragalus provide strong antioxidant protection, reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall DNA repair and longevity. Astragalus also modulates immune function and may help in cancer prevention through its protective effects on DNA. Benefits: Enhances immune function, supports telomere maintenance and DNA repair, promotes longevity, reduces oxidative stress, and aids in cancer prevention. Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) Key Phytochemicals: Schisandrin, Schisandrol Mechanism: Schisandra is an adaptogen that helps the body resist physical, chemical, and biological stressors. Schisandrin and schisandrol are potent antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative damage, particularly in the liver, where detoxification processes can generate harmful free radicals. Schisandra supports DNA repair by enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes and promoting the regeneration of damaged cells. It also influences gene expression through epigenetic modulation and supports telomere protection, making it valuable for cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Enhances stress resilience, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, promotes cellular regeneration, modulates gene expression, and aids in cancer prevention. Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Key Phytochemicals: Eugenol, Ursolic acid, Rosmarinic acid Mechanism: Holy Basil is revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to reduce stress and inflammation, both of which can contribute to DNA damage. Eugenol, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and protect DNA from oxidative stress. Holy Basil also supports enzyme activation by modulating the body's stress response and enhancing immune function, which in turn supports DNA repair and cellular health. Additionally, it influences epigenetic processes and helps maintain healthy methylation, contributing to cancer prevention. Benefits: Reduces stress and inflammation, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, modulates enzyme activation and epigenetic expression, and aids in cancer prevention. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Key Phytochemicals: Quercetin, Chlorogenic acid, Beta-carotene Mechanism: Moringa is a nutrient-dense superfood rich in antioxidants such as quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-carotene. These compounds protect DNA from oxidative damage by neutralizing free radicals and supporting the body's natural detoxification processes. Moringa also provides essential vitamins and minerals that are critical for cellular health, including the maintenance of healthy methylation patterns. It supports telomere protection and enhances enzyme activation, making it valuable for DNA repair and cancer prevention. Benefits: Provides comprehensive nutritional support, enhances DNA repair and telomere protection, supports detoxification and healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Key Phytochemicals: Silymarin, Silybin Mechanism: Milk Thistle is renowned for its liver-protective properties, primarily due to the flavonoid complex silymarin, which includes silybin. Silymarin enhances the liver's ability to detoxify harmful substances that can cause DNA damage and supports the regeneration of liver cells. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress and protecting DNA from damage. By supporting liver health and enzyme activation, Milk Thistle indirectly promotes DNA repair and overall cellular function, contributing to cancer prevention and healthy methylation. Benefits: Protects liver health, supports detoxification, enhances DNA repair and enzyme activation, reduces oxidative stress, and aids in cancer prevention. Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) Key Phytochemicals: Rosavin, Salidroside Mechanism: Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that enhances the body's resistance to stress, a major factor in DNA damage. Rosavin and salidroside are key compounds that help modulate the stress response by balancing neurotransmitter levels and reducing cortisol production. Rhodiola also exhibits potent antioxidant properties that protect DNA from oxidative damage, thereby supporting DNA repair and telomere protection. Additionally, it influences gene expression through epigenetic modulation, promotes healthy methylation, and helps prevent cancer by reducing the likelihood of stress-induced mutations. Benefits: Enhances stress resilience, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, boosts energy, modulates gene expression, and aids in cancer prevention. Saffron (Crocus sativus) Key Phytochemicals: Crocin, Safranal Mechanism: Saffron is a potent antioxidant with neuroprotective properties, largely due to its active compounds crocin and safranal. These compounds help protect DNA from oxidative stress and inflammation, particularly in the brain, where they support cognitive function and memory. Saffron also influences the expression of genes involved in the body's antioxidant defenses, enhancing DNA repair processes. Its ability to modulate epigenetic markers and maintain healthy methylation patterns contributes to its role in cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Supports cognitive function, protects DNA, reduces inflammation, modulates epigenetic expression, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) Key Phytochemicals: Bacosides Mechanism: Bacopa is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance cognitive function and protect the brain from oxidative stress. Bacosides, the primary active compounds in Bacopa, have been shown to support DNA repair by enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes and reducing oxidative damage. Bacopa also influences gene expression through epigenetic modulation, supports telomere protection, and has neuroprotective properties that contribute to its role in cancer prevention and healthy aging. Benefits: Enhances cognitive function, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, modulates gene expression, promotes healthy aging, and aids in cancer prevention. Neem (Azadirachta indica) Key Phytochemicals: Nimbin, Azadirachtin Mechanism: Neem is a powerful detoxifying herb that helps protect DNA from damage caused by environmental toxins and oxidative stress. Nimbin and azadirachtin are bioactive compounds with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. Neem also supports the immune system, promoting DNA repair and maintaining healthy methylation patterns. Its ability to detoxify the body and protect DNA makes it valuable for cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Supports detoxification, protects DNA, enhances immune function, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) Key Phytochemicals: Oxindole alkaloids Mechanism: Cat's Claw is known for its immune-modulating and antioxidant properties, which help protect DNA from oxidative damage and support the body's natural repair processes. The oxindole alkaloids in Cat's Claw enhance the activity of the immune system, improving the body's ability to repair damaged cells and DNA. Additionally, Cat's Claw supports telomere protection and influences gene expression, contributing to its role in cancer prevention and maintaining healthy methylation patterns. Benefits: Enhances immune function, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, modulates gene expression, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) Key Phytochemicals: Chalcones (Xanthoangelol, 4-Hydroxyderricin), Flavonoids Mechanism: Ashitaba is rich in chalcones, which have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help protect DNA from oxidative damage by scavenging free radicals and enhancing the body's natural antioxidant defenses. Ashitaba also promotes autophagy, the process by which the body removes damaged cells and regenerates new ones, thereby supporting DNA repair and overall cellular health. Additionally, it supports telomere protection and influences epigenetic modulation, making it valuable for cancer prevention and maintaining healthy methylation patterns. Benefits: Enhances cellular health, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, promotes autophagy, modulates gene expression, and aids in cancer prevention. Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) Key Phytochemicals: Cordycepin, Polysaccharides Mechanism: Cordyceps is an adaptogenic fungus that enhances cellular energy production, which is crucial for DNA repair and overall cellular function. Cordycepin, one of the key active compounds, has been shown to stimulate the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of the cell. This increased energy production supports the repair of damaged DNA and enhances the body's ability to respond to oxidative stress. Cordyceps also exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, further protecting DNA from damage. It influences epigenetic modulation and supports healthy methylation, contributing to cancer prevention. Benefits: Increases energy, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, modulates gene expression, enhances immune function, and aids in cancer prevention. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) Key Phytochemicals: Aloin, Emodin, Acemannan Mechanism: Aloe Vera is known for its soothing and healing properties, particularly for the skin, but it also has benefits for DNA repair. Acemannan, a polysaccharide found in Aloe Vera, stimulates the immune system and enhances the body's ability to repair damaged tissues, including DNA. Aloin and emodin, other key compounds, have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, protecting DNA from oxidative stress and promoting the regeneration of healthy cells. Aloe Vera also supports detoxification processes, helping to remove harmful substances that can cause DNA damage. It influences epigenetic modulation and supports healthy methylation patterns, making it valuable for cancer prevention. Benefits: Supports skin health, promotes DNA repair and telomere protection, enhances detoxification, modulates gene expression, and aids in cancer prevention. Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Key Phytochemicals: Ginsenosides Mechanism: Ginseng is a powerful adaptogen that supports overall cellular health and DNA repair. Ginsenosides, the active compounds in Ginseng, have been shown to enhance DNA repair mechanisms by activating DNA repair enzymes and reducing oxidative stress. Ginseng also helps regulate immune function, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation, all of which contribute to protecting DNA from damage and supporting the body's natural repair processes. Additionally, Ginseng influences epigenetic markers and promotes healthy methylation, making it valuable for cancer prevention and promoting longevity. Benefits: Boosts energy, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, enhances immune function, modulates gene expression, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Key Phytochemicals: Carnosic acid, Rosmarinic acid Mechanism: Rosemary is rich in polyphenolic compounds like carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, which provide strong antioxidant protection for DNA. These compounds help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which can lead to DNA damage. Rosemary also supports cognitive function by improving circulation to the brain and protecting neural cells from oxidative damage. Additionally, it enhances the activity of phase II detoxification enzymes, which help eliminate carcinogens and other harmful substances that can cause DNA mutations. Rosemary influences epigenetic modulation and supports healthy methylation, making it valuable for cancer prevention. Benefits: Enhances memory and cognitive function, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, modulates gene expression, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Pine Bark (Pinus pinaster) Key Phytochemicals: Proanthocyanidins Mechanism: Pine Bark extract is highly concentrated in proanthocyanidins, powerful antioxidants that protect DNA from oxidative stress and environmental toxins. These compounds help stabilize collagen and elastin in the skin and connective tissues, reducing the impact of environmental stressors that can lead to DNA mutations. Pine Bark also enhances blood flow and circulation, which supports the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells, promoting the repair of damaged DNA. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties and influences epigenetic modulation, contributing to cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Enhances skin health, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, modulates gene expression, improves circulation, and aids in cancer prevention. Gynostemma (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) Key Phytochemicals: Gypenosides, Saponins, Flavonoids Mechanism: Gynostemma, also known as "Southern Ginseng," is a potent adaptogen that helps balance the body's response to stress, a major factor in DNA damage. The gypenosides in Gynostemma have been shown to protect DNA by enhancing the body's antioxidant defenses and supporting the activity of DNA repair enzymes. Gynostemma also improves circulation and enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells, which is essential for maintaining DNA integrity and promoting repair processes. Additionally, it supports telomere protection, influences epigenetic modulation, and promotes healthy methylation patterns, contributing to cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Enhances immune function, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, improves circulation, modulates gene expression, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera) Key Phytochemicals: Proanthocyanidins, Resveratrol Mechanism: Grape Seed Extract is a rich source of proanthocyanidins and resveratrol, both of which are powerful antioxidants that protect DNA from oxidative damage. These compounds help strengthen the collagen matrix in the skin and connective tissues, reducing the impact of environmental stressors that can lead to DNA mutations. Grape Seed Extract also enhances the activity of detoxification enzymes, helping the body eliminate toxins that can cause DNA damage. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties, supports telomere protection, influences epigenetic markers, and promotes healthy methylation, contributing to its role in cancer prevention and overall cellular health. Benefits: Supports cardiovascular health, enhances skin health, protects DNA, promotes healthy methylation, modulates gene expression, and aids in cancer prevention. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Key Phytochemicals: Withaferin A, Withanolides Mechanism: Ashwagandha is a renowned adaptogen that supports DNA repair by reducing oxidative stress and enhancing the body's resilience to physical and emotional stress. Withaferin A and other withanolides are known to modulate the body's stress response by balancing cortisol levels and supporting the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Ashwagandha also supports the immune system, helping the body to identify and repair damaged DNA. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory effects, promotes telomere protection, influences epigenetic markers, and supports healthy methylation, contributing to cancer prevention and overall longevity. Benefits: Reduces stress, supports DNA repair and telomere protection, enhances immune function, modulates gene expression, promotes healthy methylation, and aids in cancer prevention. This list of 25 botanicals are among over 150 botanicals used at Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy and this is just a taste of the detailed insights into the key phytochemicals, mechanisms, and benefits of the Tibetan Infusion formulas. We are highlighting their roles in DNA repair and rejuvenation, telomere protection, enzyme activation, epigenetic modulation, cancer prevention, and methylation. Research Relevance Scientific Research and Studies DNA Repair Mechanisms : Many of these herbs have been studied for their ability to influence DNA repair mechanisms. For instance, turmeric (curcumin), green tea (EGCG), and resveratrol have been shown in studies to enhance the expression of DNA repair genes, reduce oxidative stress, and protect DNA from damage. Antioxidant Properties : A significant amount of research has demonstrated that the antioxidants present in these herbs can protect DNA from oxidative damage, a primary cause of DNA mutations and cellular aging. This has led to their recognition in scientific circles as DNA-protective agents. Telomere Protection : Some of these herbs, like Astragalus, are known to protect telomeres—the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres play a crucial role in DNA stability and cellular aging, and their preservation is linked to improved DNA repair and rejuvenation. Traditional Use with Modern Validation Historical Usage : Herbs like ginseng, gotu kola, and ashwagandha have been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems to promote longevity, vitality, and overall cellular health, which inherently involves supporting DNA integrity. Modern research has validated these traditional uses by showing how these herbs influence DNA repair and cellular rejuvenation. Adaptogenic Properties : Many of these herbs are classified as adaptogens, meaning they help the body adapt to stress. Chronic stress is known to cause DNA damage, so these adaptogens are believed to play a role in protecting and repairing DNA by reducing stress-induced damage. Mechanistic Insights Enzyme Activation : Research has shown that certain herbs can activate enzymes like PARP (Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase) that are directly involved in DNA repair. For example, studies on resveratrol and curcumin have demonstrated their ability to activate such repair pathways. Epigenetic Modulation : Some herbs, like green tea (EGCG) and rosemary, have been found to influence epigenetic factors that control gene expression, including genes involved in DNA repair and protection. This epigenetic modulation is a key reason they are recognized for DNA rejuvenation. Recognition in Preventive Medicine Cancer Prevention : Due to their ability to enhance DNA repair and reduce mutations, these herbs are often studied in the context of cancer prevention. Their potential to protect DNA from carcinogenic damage has made them well-known in this area of research. Anti-Aging Research : Many of these herbs are also popular in anti-aging research due to their potential to repair and maintain DNA integrity, which is crucial for preventing the cellular aging process. Media and Popular Science Health Supplements and Products : The inclusion of these herbs in health supplements marketed for DNA protection, anti-aging, and cellular health has increased their recognition. Products often highlight the DNA repair benefits of ingredients like resveratrol, turmeric, and green tea extract. Public Awareness : The media frequently covers studies that link these herbs to DNA repair and rejuvenation, further popularizing their use and reputation for supporting DNA health. Case Studies and Clinical Trials Human and Animal Studies : Clinical trials and case studies have often shown positive results when these herbs are used to improve conditions related to DNA damage, such as aging, cancer, and chronic diseases. This empirical evidence has contributed to their reputation. *Methylation Mastery Methylation mastery refers to the optimal functioning of the methylation process, a critical biochemical mechanism that involves the transfer of a methyl group (one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms) to various molecules, including DNA, proteins, and neurotransmitters. This process is vital for regulating gene expression, detoxification, neurotransmitter production, immune response, and overall cellular function. When methylation is well-regulated and balanced, it is considered "methylation mastery," contributing to optimal health and the prevention of many types of diseases. Example of Methylation Mastery Folate and Homocysteine Regulation: A prime example of methylation mastery is the regulation of homocysteine levels in the body through the methylation cycle. Homocysteine is an amino acid that, at elevated levels, can contribute to cardiovascular disease and other health issues. The body uses methylation to convert homocysteine into methionine, an essential amino acid involved in protein synthesis and detoxification. This conversion requires sufficient levels of folate (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, and other cofactors. When the methylation process is functioning optimally: Balanced Homocysteine Levels: Homocysteine is efficiently converted into methionine, preventing its accumulation in the bloodstream and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. DNA Methylation: Adequate methylation ensures that DNA methylation patterns are properly maintained, which is essential for regulating gene expression and protecting against abnormal cell growth, including cancer. Neurotransmitter Production: Methylation supports the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, contributing to balanced mood and mental health. In individuals with methylation mastery (optimal functioning of the methylation process), these processes work harmoniously, supporting overall health, longevity, and disease prevention. Conversely, when methylation is impaired (due to genetic mutations like MTHFR, nutrient deficiencies, or other factors), it can lead to various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and increased cancer risk. However, with proper nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and targeted supplementation, it's possible to support and enhance methylation, helping to restore balance and promote vibrant health. Visit The Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy Medicinal Tincture Treasury.
By Amchi Thubten Lekshe 21 Aug, 2024
Amla 25: A Comprehensive Tibetan Formula for Holistic Health Amla 25 is a revered Tibetan medicine that embodies centuries of wisdom in a single, potent formulation. This unique blend of 25 natural ingredients is crafted to support and enhance the body's vital systems, focusing on the liver, heart, and digestive tract while promoting overall balance and well-being. Known for its profound ability to cleanse the blood, improve circulation, and reduce excess heat, Amla 25 is much more than just a remedy—it's a comprehensive approach to health that addresses a wide range of conditions and supports the body on multiple levels. By balancing the three humors, detoxifying the blood, supporting the liver, heart, and digestive tract, and boosting immunity, Amla 25 provides comprehensive support that addresses both acute and chronic conditions. Whether used for its cardioprotective benefits, its ability to reduce inflammation and cholesterol, or its role in enhancing digestion and detoxification, Amla 25 is a versatile and powerful tool in maintaining and restoring health. The Power of Amla and Its Synergistic Ingredients At the heart of Amla 25 is Amla (Emblica officinalis) , also known as Amalaki, a fruit celebrated for its potent antioxidant properties and high vitamin C content. Amla is renowned for its ability to boost immunity, making the body more resilient to infections and diseases. This powerful fruit also plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol levels, and preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries. These actions contribute to Amla's cardioprotective effects, which are further enhanced when combined with the other ingredients in the formula. The synergy between Amla and the 24 other ingredients in this formulation amplifies its benefits. Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) and Terminalia bellirica (Bibhitaki) , for example, are essential components that work alongside Amla to detoxify the body, promote healthy digestion, and maintain bowel regularity. These herbs also support respiratory health and help in balancing the three humors—wind, bile, and phlegm—according to Tibetan medicine principles. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) adds another layer of cardiovascular support with its rich antioxidant profile, improving blood circulation and further aiding in the reduction of cholesterol levels. This, in turn, helps to prevent heart disease and other related conditions. Comprehensive Health Benefits The ingredients in Amla 25 are carefully chosen to address specific health issues while supporting overall systemic balance. The formula’s ability to cleanse the blood and reduce excess heat is particularly beneficial for conditions such as high blood pressure, liver disorders, and blood-lipid imbalances. The cooling properties of herbs like Swertia chirata and Coriandrum sativum (Coriander) help to alleviate inflammation, detoxify the blood, and soothe the digestive system, making the formula effective in treating a variety of heat-related conditions. Digestive health is another key area where Amla 25 excels. Ingredients like Piper longum (Long Pepper) , Zingiber officinale (Ginger) , and Elettaria cardamomum (Cardamom) stimulate digestion, reduce bloating, and ease discomfort, ensuring that the digestive system functions optimally. These herbs not only support the digestive process but also enhance the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, which is crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall health. In addition to its digestive and cardiovascular benefits, Amla 25 also has anti-cancer properties . The antioxidants present in Amla, combined with the anti-inflammatory effects of ingredients like Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice Root) and Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon) , help protect the body’s cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are linked to the development of cancer. By reducing these harmful processes, Amla 25 supports the body’s natural defenses against cancer. Immune Support and Chronic Conditions Amla 25 is also a powerful immune booster . Amla, along with Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) and Cinnamomum cassia (Cassia Bark) , enhances the body's immune response, making it more effective at warding off infections. This immune-strengthening aspect of Amla 25 is particularly beneficial for those with chronic conditions, who may require long-term support to maintain their health. The anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic properties of several ingredients, including Valeriana jatamansi (Indian Valerian) and Aquilaria agallocha (Agarwood) , contribute to the formula’s effectiveness in treating chronic and degenerative diseases. These herbs help calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote relaxation, all of which are vital for healing and maintaining overall health. Cardioprotective and Cholesterol-Lowering Effects Amla 25’s cardioprotective effects are among its most significant benefits. The combination of Amla with Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna) , a well-known heart tonic, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces inflammation, and supports healthy blood pressure levels. This powerful synergy helps to lower cholesterol, prevent plaque buildup in the arteries, and protect the heart from disease. The addition of Cinnamon and Licorice Root further enhances these effects by supporting circulation and reducing oxidative stress, which are critical factors in maintaining a healthy heart. Amla 25 Supports the Body’s Vital Systems Amla 25 is a holistic Tibetan medicine formulation that not only targets specific conditions such as hypertension, liver disorders, and digestive issues but also provides broad-spectrum support to the body’s vital systems. These systems are essential for maintaining life and overall health, and Amla 25 works to enhance their function, promoting a balanced and resilient body. Below is an overview of these vital systems and how Amla 25 supports them through its carefully selected ingredients. 1. Cardiovascular System The Cardiovascular System includes the heart and blood vessels and is responsible for circulating blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and removing waste products. Amla (Emblica officinalis) , the core of Amla 25, supports heart health by reducing cholesterol and preventing plaque buildup in the arteries. Terminalia arjuna strengthens cardiovascular function, while Pomegranate (Punica granatum) improves blood circulation. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and Cassia Bark (Cinnamomum cassia) further enhance circulation and provide cardioprotective effects, and Mesua ferrea (Ironwood) reduces inflammation in blood vessels. 2. Respiratory System The Respiratory System includes the lungs and airways, responsible for breathing and gas exchange, supplying oxygen to the blood, and removing carbon dioxide. Piper longum (Long Pepper) clears respiratory passages and supports lung function, while Terminalia bellirica (Bibhitaki) alleviates respiratory conditions like cough and congestion. Aquilaria agallocha (Agarwood) promotes respiratory health and eases breathing. 3. Digestive System The Digestive System involves the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and other organs that process food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) stimulates digestion and reduces nausea and bloating. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) relieves digestive discomfort and enhances digestion, while Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) promotes bowel regularity and detoxifies the digestive tract. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) reduces bloating and eases digestive discomfort, Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) supports digestion, and Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) relieves indigestion and promotes gut health. 4. Nervous System The Nervous System consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, controlling and coordinating bodily functions and enabling communication between different parts of the body. Valeriana jatamansi (Indian Valerian) calms the nervous system and promotes relaxation, while Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) acts as a sedative and calms the mind. Agarwood (Aquilaria agallocha) supports nervous system health, and Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) soothes stress and supports adrenal function. 5. Immune System The Immune System protects the body from infections and diseases by identifying and neutralizing harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders. Amla (Emblica officinalis) boosts immunity and protects against infections, while Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) enhances immune response. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and Cassia Bark (Cinnamomum cassia) reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, further supporting immune function. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) strengthens the immune system with its adaptogenic properties. 6. Endocrine System The Endocrine System includes glands such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, and pancreas, and regulates bodily functions through the release of hormones, which control metabolism, growth, and other processes. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) supports adrenal health and balances hormone levels. Amla (Emblica officinalis) aids in regulating metabolism and supports endocrine function, while Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) helps maintain hormonal balance through its detoxifying effects. 7. Renal (Urinary) System The Renal (Urinary) System comprises the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, filtering waste from the blood, regulating fluid balance, and maintaining electrolyte levels. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) supports kidney function and helps detoxify the urinary system, while Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) promotes detoxification and supports kidney health. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) further detoxifies the kidneys and supports urinary function. 8. Lymphatic System The Lymphatic System supports the immune system by transporting lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body, and helps maintain fluid balance. Amla (Emblica officinalis) helps cleanse the lymphatic system by promoting detoxification, while Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) supports lymphatic health by aiding in detoxification and elimination. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) supports lymphatic drainage and reduces inflammation. 9. Musculoskeletal System The Musculoskeletal System includes bones, muscles, and connective tissues, providing structure, support, and enabling movement. Amla (Emblica officinalis) offers antioxidant protection that benefits the musculoskeletal system. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and Cassia Bark (Cinnamomum cassia) reduce inflammation in joints and muscles, while Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) eases muscle pain and supports joint health. Lets Breakdown the Amla 25 formula for a closer look at the action and function. 1. Amla (Emblica officinalis) Attributes: Sour, astringent, cooling. Medicinal Action: Antioxidant, rejuvenative, immune booster, digestive tonic, anti-cancer. Function: Cleanses and cools the blood, supports liver function, enhances digestion, boosts immunity, reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, and prevents plaque buildup. Properties: Balances all three humors (wind, bile, phlegm), particularly effective in reducing excess heat (bile). 2. Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) Attributes: Bitter, astringent, warming. Medicinal Action: Detoxifying, laxative, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory. Function: Promotes bowel regularity, supports digestion, detoxifies the body, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and bile humors, strengthens digestion, and aids in elimination. 3. Terminalia bellirica (Bibhitaki) Attributes: Astringent, bitter, cooling. Medicinal Action: Anti-inflammatory, digestive, respiratory tonic, immune booster. Function: Supports respiratory health, aids digestion, promotes gut health, and boosts immunity. Properties: Balances bile and phlegm, enhances respiratory function, and supports the gastrointestinal system. 4. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Attributes: Astringent, sour, cooling. Medicinal Action: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular tonic, anti-cancer. Function: Improves blood circulation, supports heart health, lowers cholesterol, prevents plaque buildup, and aids digestion. Properties: Cools the blood, reduces heat, and balances bile. 5. Swertia chirata (Chiretta) Attributes: Bitter, cooling, drying. Medicinal Action: Bitter tonic, liver stimulant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying. Function: Stimulates digestion, promotes liver function, reduces inflammation, and detoxifies the blood. Properties: Balances bile and phlegm, particularly effective in reducing heat and toxins. 6. Piper longum (Long Pepper) Attributes: Pungent, heating, light. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, carminative, respiratory tonic, anti-inflammatory. Function: Enhances digestion, clears respiratory passages, stimulates metabolism, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, increases digestive fire (agni). 7. Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) Attributes: Pungent, heating, light. Medicinal Action: Carminative, digestive stimulant, circulatory stimulant, immune booster. Function: Improves digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, promotes circulation, and boosts immunity. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, stimulates circulation, and increases digestive fire. 8. Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Attributes: Pungent, heating, light. Medicinal Action: Anti-nausea, digestive stimulant, anti-inflammatory, immune booster. Function: Eases nausea, enhances digestion, reduces inflammation, and boosts immunity. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, warms the digestive system, and supports circulation. 9. Elettaria cardamomum (Cardamom) Attributes: Pungent, sweet, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, carminative, aromatic, anti-inflammatory. Function: Relieves digestive discomfort, reduces gas, freshens breath, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, promotes digestion, and cools the gut. 10. Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon) Attributes: Sweet, pungent, warming. Medicinal Action: Digestive, circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer. Function: Enhances digestion, supports circulation, reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, and prevents plaque buildup. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, warms the body, and supports cardiovascular health. 11. Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) Attributes: Pungent, warming, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, sedative, carminative, anti-inflammatory. Function: Promotes digestion, reduces nausea, calms the nervous system, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, warms and calms the mind and body. 12. Cuminum cyminum (Cumin) Attributes: Pungent, warming, light. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, carminative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Function: Supports digestion, reduces bloating, alleviates inflammation, and supports liver function. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, enhances digestion, and warms the gut. 13. Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) Attributes: Pungent, heating, light. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, carminative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial. Function: Relieves indigestion, reduces gas, promotes gut health, and fights infections. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, stimulates digestion, and reduces gas. 14. Coriandrum sativum (Coriander) Attributes: Sweet, cooling, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Digestive, anti-inflammatory, carminative, detoxifying. Function: Cools and detoxifies the blood, supports digestion, alleviates inflammation, and promotes liver health. Properties: Balances bile and wind, cools the system, and supports digestion. 15. Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) Attributes: Sweet, cooling, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Digestive, carminative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Function: Eases digestive discomfort, reduces bloating, cools the gut, and supports digestion. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, promotes digestion, and cools the digestive system. 16. Mentha arvensis (Wild Mint) Attributes: Pungent, cooling, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, carminative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial. Function: Reduces digestive discomfort, cools the system, refreshes the mind, and fights infections. Properties: Balances wind and bile, cools the digestive tract, and clears the mind. 17. Cinnamomum tamala (Tejpat, Indian Bay Leaf) Attributes: Sweet, pungent, warming. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, circulatory stimulant, aromatic, anti-inflammatory. Function: Enhances digestion, stimulates circulation, reduces bloating, and alleviates inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, warms the body, and stimulates digestion. 18. Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice Root) Attributes: Sweet, cooling, moistening. Medicinal Action: Soothing, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, immune booster. Function: Soothes the stomach lining, reduces inflammation, supports adrenal function, and boosts immunity. Properties: Balances all three humors, particularly effective in cooling and soothing irritated tissues. 19. Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) Attributes: Pungent, cooling, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Stimulant, antimicrobial, cooling, anti-inflammatory. Function: Cools excess heat, stimulates circulation, fights infections, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and bile, cools the blood, and clears heat and toxins. 20. Mesua ferrea (Ironwood) Attributes: Bitter, astringent, cooling. Medicinal Action: Astringent, anti-inflammatory, cooling, cardioprotective. Function: Supports cardiovascular health, reduces inflammation, cools the blood, and strengthens blood vessels. Properties: Balances bile and phlegm, supports heart health, and cools the body. 21. Santalum album (Sandalwood) Attributes: Sweet, cooling, aromatic. Medicinal Action: Cooling, anti-inflammatory, calming, antimicrobial. Function: Cools the system, reduces inflammation, promotes mental clarity, and fights infections. Properties: Balances bile and phlegm, cools and calms the mind and body. 22. Cinnamomum cassia (Cassia Bark) Attributes: Sweet, pungent, warming. Medicinal Action: Digestive stimulant, circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective. Function: Improves circulation, supports digestion, reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, and protects cardiovascular health. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, warms the body, and supports cardiovascular function. 23. Valeriana jatamansi (Indian Valerian) Attributes: Pungent, bitter, warming. Medicinal Action: Sedative, calming, digestive, anti-inflammatory. Function: Promotes relaxation, eases digestive discomfort, calms the mind, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, calms the nervous system, supports digestion, and reduces stress. 24. Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna) Attributes: Astringent, bitter, cooling. Medicinal Action: Cardioprotective, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Function: Supports heart health, strengthens blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and prevents oxidative stress. Properties: Balances wind and bile, supports cardiovascular function, cools the blood, and enhances heart resilience. 25. Aquilaria agallocha (Agarwood) Attributes: Aromatic, warming, grounding. Medicinal Action: Calming, digestive stimulant, respiratory tonic, anti-inflammatory. Function: Promotes relaxation, supports respiratory health, stimulates digestion, and reduces inflammation. Properties: Balances wind and phlegm, calms the mind, supports digestion, and enhances respiratory function. A Holistic Approach to Health Amla 25 is a time tested skillful composition of traditional Tibetan ingredients that work together in harmonious synergy delivering aid to multiple health conditions. Its ability to cleanse, nourish, and protect the body makes it an invaluable resource for those seeking a natural and holistic approach to restored health and continued wellness. ~ Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy Disclaimer Notice: Because Tibetan treatments, therapies and medicine are not yet recognized, licensed, or regulated by the AMA or FDA or any US agency. This document is not to be construed as a diagnostic tool and/or that of prescribing medicines or therapies, it is for informational support only. Consult your doctor before taking any medications.
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